It's been over a week since I went into labor and delivered Ian. I hope my memories are still fresh, and I'll try to get them down in the entry as accurately as possible.
Thursday, January 15Cherie (the midwife who runs the Center) determined that my cervix was not "ripening" enough and that labor would most likely not start on its own unless we waited and waited, which could put Ian in major danger. J and I go to one of the doc's they are affiliated with for a Newborn Stress Test and sonogram. Ian's heartbeat and amniotic fluid levels pass with flying colors.
Friday morning, January 16Jason and I head to the Birth Center for my first dose of Cytotec. We asked he other midwife, Carol, to elaborate more on the drug and why they think it's a good idea. Jason had done a lot of internet research and was very on top of things. I was confused and sad that things weren't turning out the way we had dreamed and planned. We all agreed it was the best thing to do so she inserted it (a pill) into my cervix and we slept at the center for a couple hours to let gravity do its job of keeping the pill in me. Cramps begin within a couple hours and J and I go to Denny's for a big breakfast, then home for some naps.
Friday afternoon and evening, January 16We go back to the Center for the second dose since my cervix still wasn't ready. Another couple hours in bed at the Center and then we head home. That evening progressed as usual. I watched a couple shows I really like (
Psych). By 10pm I'm dozing off and watching a rerun of
House when BAM! I'm hit with a bolt of lightning. CONTRACTIONS!! And big ones at that. The first batch was so strong that all I could do was cry out in pain over and over again. I was so confused and couldn't get the word "Jason!" out so I just yelped and cried. He came running in and then it passed. I got up to walk around and then BAM! another one. These were like 30 seconds apart and I was scared. It wasn't supposed to be this way! We were supposed to ease into labor with the early contractions that are minutely easy and spaced far apart. Jason calls Carol and she instructs us to head to the Center immediately.
Friday late night, January 16It's 10:30pm when we get to the Center, following a horrendous car ride. We arrive and go upstairs so she can examine me: 3cm dilated. She inserts a catheter into my hand for fluids and antibiotics (I had tested positive for Group B Strep and there was a danger it would pass to Ian during delivery so the antibiotics take care of that). I barely let her do it since I'm contracting all the while. I'm crying and begging and J and I labor on the upstairs couch for a good hour while Carol prepares the downstairs birthing room.
Saturday, January 17
At midnight Carol examines me again: 7cm dilated. Oh my! So fast. We hobble downstairs and by now I can hear that my mom, Randy, Sylvia, and Jennifer are in the waiting parlor. We go down the back servant stairs (it's a big old house) and into the birth room where they put me in the Jacuzzi tub for a nice hot soak. My next contraction brought on pushing and I knew I was very close. My waters broke while I was in the tub and it was just a strange feeling. My plug also came out in clumpy blood clots and it was time to get out of that tub!
They sit me on the toilet facing the wall and put a pillow down for my head. This is a good position for women laboring posterior babies since his skull was right up against my back bone. Ouch! This meant even more pain. After that they lead me to the bed post and I betcha it's about 1am by now.
Beverly, the assistant, was amazing. So caring and gave such great advice that I responded real well to her. Carol, the midwife, held down the fort with her expertise and no-nonsense ways.
At the bed post I'm told to squat with Jason behind me on a stool and hang from the post. Once a contraction hits I'm to PUUUUUSH and work this baby down into station. The point is to use gravity and positioning to work him down quicker and get him to crown (where his skull is sticking out and doesn't slide back inward). This was the hardest part of labor I think. The position was weird and I felt I was going to fall backwards even tho Jason was back there for me the entire time. I had a hard time getting my feet flat on the ground the way they wanted but I finally got it down and worked on keeping my pushing sounds gutteral and inward rather than the loud screaming I started off doing (which left my vocal cords sore and swollen for over a day). Every time a contraction passed and I was done pushing, I would use my arms to scale the bed post in a standing position. They said I looked like a monkey and couldn't believe my arm strength.
It worked. He finally crowned and I hobbled onto the bed with the top of his head sticking out of me. So strange! Three sets of contractions and pushing later and he was delievered. I recall them saying, "Here's his head! Now one good push for the shoulders." PUUUUUSH. Here came his shoulders and now one last push for the rest. PUUUUUUUUUSH and they said, "Dad are you going to catch him?" Jason scrambled to catch him and once he did he couldn't put him down. "Dad, put the baby on her belly!" He was all slimy and waxy with vernix and apparently had pooped all over my leg. Did I care? My little miracle was here!
After that it was recovery, a shower, lots of OJ to help replace all that lost blood, some breakfast, a long nap, and paperwork (for paternity stuff since we are unwed). The post partem nurse (Gina) and assistant (Brenda) helped with all sorts of babycare info, advice, and were so nurturing and caring with me. I was never alone for a moment and when Jason was too tired to help with bathroom trips and OJ drinks, they were right there for everything.
Going HomeBy 11am we gathered our things, got Ian into the car seat and slowly left the Center. It was glorious outside. Everything was bright and sunny and so clear. I was high from the endorphins and experience, and the ride home was a beautiful experience. I was so happy and Jason was beaming - so proud.
I truly don't remember what we did the moments after arriving at the house. I think we tried to sleep and really I just stared and stared at my new baby. Everything was different.