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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sheets of Fury

The other night my mom stayed over to give Jason a good nights' rest and help me out throughout the night with diapers, rocking, etc. It was an incredibly explosive evening.

First, projectile vomiting. I mean, Ian would have made Linda Blair (The Exorcist) proud. It was all over the sheets and my pillow, not to mention my face! Blech. We put a towel over the vomit and I switched pillows. No way were we changing the sheets at 3am!

Then, after all three of us finally drifted off for a couple hours, my arm started feeling reeeeally warm. Yup, the baby had whizzed all over my arm and the vomitty sheets. Cue towel #2 over the peed part of the sheet.

Finally, the sun came up and I was nursing Ian for the 3rd time that night/early morning. He pooped, which is very common during a feeding. It's an input-output gastrointestinal type thing. So I thought nothing of it until I lifted him up to burp him and noticed that his poop had exploded out the top of his diaper, onto my pj pants and....yup, on the same nasty sheet.

My mom and I finally agreed it was time to wash the sheets. They had become quite the bio-hazard!

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